How To Avoid Being Recruited Into a Cult/MLM/Pyramid Scheme

The ones that won’t take no for an answer

Zed Bee
5 min readSep 28, 2021
a man at a computer disguised as an anonymous hacker wearing a Guy Fawkes mask
Photo by Clint Patterson on Unsplash

Years ago, I joined a group that promised me financial abundance if I put in the work and thought positively. After attending a few events, I became high off their enthusiasm, and like a lamb to the slaughter, I signed up and passed over a load of money.

It wasn’t long before I eventually realized that it wasn’t for me and decided to leave.

For a long while afterward, I was really embarrassed about the whole experience. I couldn’t believe I’d tried to recruit friends and acquaintances into what felt very much like a forced positivity cult. Even to this day, I cringe at trying to reach out to people who just stopped replying to me.

Since then, I’ve become more immune to manipulative marketing. Anytime someone wants to sell me something or I come across a video promising X results by taking X route, alarm bells start ringing.

One of the things that got me into that mess in the first place was my inability to say “no”. That and the fact that I was too polite to ask uncomfortable questions.

Now, if I’m ever asked to take part in anything, I ask the person directly: how much money do you earn from this?



Zed Bee

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