It Would Be Easier to Give Up

If it wasn’t for regret

Zed Bee
2 min readFeb 11, 2024
Photo by Diego Madrigal

As my workload increases, I’m finding myself becoming more and more frustrated.

To add to this, I feel like I’m failing my career search journey.

It’s only been 6 weeks since I pledged to take this seriously but I don’t feel any closer. So far I’ve only reached out to 1 person for an informational interview and I’m struggling to think of who to ask next.

And the more my job feels like a chore, the more I look for an escape. And the more I look for an escape and can’t find one, the more hopeless my outlook becomes. The more hopeless the outlook I have, the more I feel trapped at work and the cycle continues.

But this is all a mindset game. I know it is.

I think I need new stimuli, new inputs, and new ideas.

I need a way to open my mind so that I don’t feel limited to just what’s around me.

But I also need to set my priorities straight. Because the more I focus on work and allow it to take all of my energy and resources, the less I will have to pursue what I want to do. And the longer I’ll end up staying exactly where I am.

Ups and downs are to be expected, and right now I’m in a bit of a lull period. I want to pause, not because I need a break but…



Zed Bee

I like to think. And I like to write. Join my email list for more insights, breakdowns, and interesting ideas 👉