Not Knowing What You Want Is Part of Your Problem

A question for the confusion

Zed Bee
3 min readJun 3, 2024
Photo by Tranmautritam

I’m reading a book about how to find what you want to do in life and there’s an exercise in one of the chapters that can either be the hardest thing you can do or the easiest.

This is the exercise: get a piece of paper and pen and write out your dream role.

What would you be doing? How would you be doing it?

You’re meant to describe everything you’d like to do in an ideal scenario.

The idea is to think big and be expansive with it. Don’t be limited by what you think is realistic. Instead, be unrealistic and creative.

Imagine then, that I come across a post on my LinkedIn feed by a well-known business celebrity asking me to do the exact same thing.

Screenshot taken by author

What a great opportunity, I thought.

But when it came to putting pen to paper (or finger to keyboard) I froze.

What did I want to do? What role did I want for myself?

In the end, I closed my laptop and decided to mull it over some more.



Zed Bee

I like to think. And I like to write. Join my email list for more insights, breakdowns, and interesting ideas 👉